Cultural challenges
Cultural challenges surrounding survivors of domestic abuse
As a by-and-for specialist Black and Ethnic Minority support provider, we have expert knowledge on cultural challenges surrounding Black and Ethnic Minority survivors of domestic abuse, sexual abuse and gendered abuse that may differ from more general domestic abuse support.
If you are experiencing abuse or are worried that you are being abused and want a confidential chat, please call us on our multi-lingual freephone number 0800 055 6519.
Survivors who have married abroad and have come to the UK to join their partners to start their new life are sometimes promised a different life to what the reality of their life and partner actually is.
Arriving into the UK, perpetrators use their immigration status as a way of controlling and coercing the victims. Fearful as to what may happen to them if they seek help, victims keep the abuse they are suffering to themselves knowing that they are dependent on their partners for everything. Perpetrators threaten to send victims back to their country should they tell anyone what is happening or if they do not obey them. Victims may suffer in silence as they are worried about the shame that this will bring upon their family and the fear that they may be treated as an outcast if they leave a relationship even if it is abusive.
Mental health is a difficult subject within the BME community. Too often, mental health is hidden or avoided due to cultural stigmas attached to mental health.
One of the most common reasons for victim’s not reaching out for help or talking about their mental health is due to fears of shaming their family. Victims feel that they should be able to deal with their mental health issues themselves and find other ways to manage. Unfortunately, by avoiding these issues, they could inflict self-harm and sometimes even take their own life.
In the BME community, awareness of mental health in different languages in communities is key. It is vital that key messages are shared to show that there is no shame in talking about your feelings and worries and to know that they are not alone and they can get help to not feel this way.
When domestic violence and abuse is present, sometimes there is more than one typical perpetrator involved in the abuse. In the BME community, perpetrators may also include the in-laws and/or extended family.
Multiple perpetrators make it even more difficult for victims to disclose what is happening to them or find a way of escape or get help.
Multiple perpetrators give the primary perpetrator more power and control as they are supported by those around them and keeps more people scrutinising the victim and adding to the abuse. This may occur in a family member appearing to support the victim but also being on the lookout on behalf of a perpetrator. If multiple perpetrators is a risk, it is important to speak or see victims on their own.
Service providers such as the police, the social services or housing authorities may base their responses to domestic abuse victims on cultural, ethnic or religious stereotypes. In some cases, they may avoid intervening in case they are perceived as being racist. If your abuser is Black, Asian or Ethnic Minority, you may choose to protect them from police due to your experiences of institutional racism.
Cultural Abuse
Female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation is a procedure used in some cultures to intentionally cut or injure the female genitals. The most frequent reasons for this procedure are religion, protecting a girl’s virginity, social acceptance and hygiene misunderstandings. There is no medical reason for this illegal procedure which can cause severe pain and health consequences and long-lasting effects on the victim throughout their life. In the UK, female genital mutilation is illegal.
Panahghar can provide non-judgmental advice and support for victims and professionals supporting victims affected by FGM.
Forced marriage
Forced marriage is when you face physical or emotional pressure to marry and/or you do not consent to the marriage. For example, through threats, physical or sexual violence, you’re made to feel like you’re bringing shame and disgrace on your family if you don’t do as they say.
Many young people are forced into marrying someone against their will. This may be in the form of young girls taken abroad by their family under false pretences. They are told they are going on holiday when they are actually been taken to get married without their knowledge. Forced Marriage Protection Orders can be requested from the courts. For example, the court may order someone to hand over your passport or reveal where you are to protect you.
“Honour” based violence
Protecting ‘honour’ (Izzat, Ghairat, Namus or Sharam), in BME communities, is of the upmost importance. Many women and girls are therefore subjected to many forms of abuse to uphold honour for themselves and their families in the potential form of;
Forced marriage
Domestic violence (physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse)
Threats to kill
Social shunning or rejection, isolation and emotional pressure
Denial of access to children
House arrest and coercive control
No access to the telephone, internet, or ID/Visa documentation
The Crown Prosecution Service describes ‘honour’ based abuse as an incident or crime “which has, or may have, been committed to protect or defend the ‘honour’ of the family and or the community.”
Should victims do something which is deemed to jeopardise the honour of their family, it could lead to extreme danger for the victim and in some cases death. Perpetrators threaten dangerous consequences resulting in the victim doing exactly what they say regardless of the victim’s consent.
It is important you get help and support if you feel this is the case and/or you believe someone is at risk of this type of abuse.
24/7 dedicated multi- lingual support helpline
0800 055 6519
If you have experience any of the above please get in touch. Panahghar offers free specialised multi-lingual support, advice, and advocacy for victims and families. If English isn't your first language, call us at 0800 055 6519. Our 24/7 helpline aims to alleviate physical and mental distress, dismantling barriers and stigma through refuge, counselling, outreach, and training, ensuring continuous support whenever needed. We are here when you need us.